Author: Seb
2018年度四大国际时装周均已圆满收官 CM本季巴黎时装周的秀后工作也接近尾声 所有海外执行的品牌客户我们都呈交了一份满意的答卷 以小编主要负责的Y-VISON x JESSIE&JANE为例 硕果累累的战绩忍不住来与大家分享 Top Fashion 欧洲媒体 秀后不到4小时 四大国际时装周现场独家实时媒体 发布秀场LOOK的时尚摄影杂志 NOW FASHION发出官方报道 一站式国际时装周资源线上时尚媒体 只为时尚影响者宣传报道的 FASHION WEEK ONLINE 不仅在秀前为我们预告大秀时间、介绍品牌&设计师 还在秀后实时报道出对我们大秀的认可 Y-VISON x JESSIE&JANE登上本季时装周官方日程表 并且在秀前线上官方申请秀票的MODE ONLINE 为我们大秀做了宣传报道 对设计师与服装无限挑剔 但又深受时尚专业人士青睐的 Fashion Scene对大秀进行详细报道 时尚潮流和视觉艺术的传感器 欧洲时尚新锐品牌热爱遵循的流行趋势线上媒体 Cliché Paris的大秀报道 以及曾多次为山本耀司及一些品牌秀场攥写报道的 Shawna Montout时尚主编 对大秀的肯定报道 Top Fashion 视频媒体 FASHION CHANNEL法国时尚频道 在YouTube报道大秀官方视频 Top Fashion 中文媒体 不管是Google还是度娘 搜索“Y-VISON x JESSIE&JANE巴黎时装周” 满满的报道扑面而来 深受中国时尚专业人士追捧和认可的 ...
Surprisingly, CROSS MODE having a great pleasure to annouce that being selected to be the major clothing supplier of Chinese “TV Queen” TANG Yan’s new drama ! Not only this gorgeous girl, the rest of the stars are all super shining. The male lead actor and male supporting role were both have been selected once ...
Devon London Fashion Show 日前缤纷上演,包含了小伙伴们在 CROSS MODE 已经抢先预览的总数超过50+的Look,优雅与心机并存,快来围观!!
Cross mode was invited as a special guest speaker by major medias who have covered this season’s Mode Shanghai coverage. VOGUE China made a one-on-one interview with founder Mei ZHAN; attracting numerous viewers. Cross Mode Paris selected brands have become the ” symbol ” of original independent European brands, as we continue to flourish further ...
This is the first time that CMP participate to the Shanghai Fashion Week, and also the first time get into the official Mode Shanghai trade show. Mode Shanghai is so kind to put us in one of the best spot in the stand and on official medias, we are very thankful on that, and promise ...
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